Booking Through Thursday: Book selection

This week we have been blessed with two question, both about how we choose to read books. BBT is hosted over at BBT.
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Two questions about selecting your books.
Pooch asks:
Overall, what factor most influences your choice of your next read?
Sefcug asks:
What is it that makes you want to read a book by an author you have never read before?

What probably influences me the most when I choose my next read  is the synopsis and what/who the author states as influences. For me a good synopsis introduces main characters, but mainly focuses on how the plot develops. I think it should outline the main storyline and some of the sub-plots because then you get a good idea of how the novel is written. If there only seems to be the main storyline then the novel might get a bit boring. If there are too many subplots then it might get confusing. I really like it when authors tell you what inspired the story. I recently accepted a novel for review because the author was inspired by Greek mythology. I love Greek mythology and cannot wait to see the author's spin on it! Once I got the book I either read them immediately or they find their way around my room until I find them again and start reading them!

I really like reading books by authors I haven't read anything from. That way I don't have any expectations about the writing style and can be pleasantly surprised. What convinces me to read a book by a "new" author is probably either the plot or if it's well recommended. Thinking about it, I might go back on the second one. I read the second and third Twilight novels because everyone was talking about and loving them. Never been thus disappointed. Having read the first one I guess Stephanie Meyer doesn't count as "new" but it's just a side note on the recommendations.

So, how about you?


  1. hello, miss Juli :)
    you have an interesting point about not having expectations about writing style when it comes to new authors! It's true that not having expectations can influence choosing a next read! I hope you enjoy the book influenced by Greek Mythology! thanks for stopping by!


  2. Hi! Thanks for the visit to my blog!

    I'm the exact opposite when it comes to trying new authors. I like to stay inside my comfort zone. Even if I'm trying out a new author at least the book has to be from a genre I'm comfortable with. :-)


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