Friday Memes and 'The Master and Margarita'

Do you decide in advance what you read for the coming week or month? Why/why not?
To a certain extent I definitely plan in advance. I have a lot of books lined up on Netgalley which need to be read, so in general they are all planned for the close future. However, I am terrible at reading books when I'm not in the mood for them. For example, if I have a stressful week then a Samuel Johnson play is definitely not something I want to get into. A contemporary romance may be much more down my street. So I guess my answer is that I do decide in advance, but I don't hesitate to change that schedule in the moment.
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Billy over at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. This week's question was suggested by Brenda over at Daily Mayo:
What is your favourite part about reading a book? Figuring out the plot ahead of time, the feeling of the actual book itself, experiencing the plot unfold, getting to know the characters - or something else entirely?
This is a really good question! In some ways it changes for every genre I read. When I'm reading a crime or detective novel then I definitely enjoy figuring out the plot the most. When it comes to fantasy I prefer the feeling of the book, so the feeling that the author creates through world-building etc. But overall, I think that acquiring a sense for the feel of the book is my absolute favourite part of reading. I just love sinking into books and into new different worlds and is why I keep picking up new books, one after the other.
Book Beginnings and Friday 56 are hosted by Gilion over at Rose City Reader and Freda over at Freda's Voice, respectively. This week I'm using one of my absolute favourite books, The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. This is a genius book and I'm currently rereading it.

'At the hour of the hot spring sunset two citizens appeared at the Patriarch's Ponds. One of them, approximately forty years old, dressed in a grey summer suit, was short, dark-haired, plump, bald, and carried his respectable fedora hat in his hand. His neatly shaven face was adorned with black horn-rimmed glasses of a supernatural size. The other, a broad-shouldered young man with tousled reddish hair, his checkered cap cocked back on his head, was wearing a cowboy shirt, wrinkled white trousers and black sneakers.' p.1I just love the descriptions in this beginning. You really get a sense of the way the two different characters look and how this might potentially shape them.

Friday 56:
'On the door of room no.2 something not quite comprehensible was written: 'One-day Creative Trips. Apply to M.V. Spurioznaya.'The next door bore a brief but now totally incomprehensible inscription: 'Perelygino.' p.56I like how absolutely absurd parts of Bulgakov's writing are! I mean, what is going on in the F56 above? I haven't read the book in a year so I genuinely have no idea. Can't wait to get that far!
So, this was my Friday post which I wrote late on a Thursday night, potentially even early Friday morning so if there are any mistakes I am severely sorry! What is your favourite part about reading? And do you plan your reading?
I think a lot of us are like that! We have tentative schedules but nothing is ever set in stone! My reading week this week definitely got botched. One of my review books would not open in any format I tried, then the next book I had to DNF...then I decided to jump to one of my reads from the TBR Mountain of Doom before moving on to a review book!
ReplyDeleteBut generally I have an idea of what I will read in the week but changes are always possible!
Here's my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I also love the descriptive beginning...and then the 56 feels like an odd departure, which makes me curious. Thanks for sharing...and here's mine: “WALKING ON TRAMPOLINES”
ReplyDeleteLove the beginning though I'm unsure about that 56. Glad you're enjoying it! I definitely agree that what's important to me in a book is definitely related to genre. I don't care so much about character development in a mystery as in other genres. Great answer!
ReplyDeleteMy reading choices are totally dependent on my mood. Sometimes I just don't want to have to work very hard to read a story; other times, I don't mind delving into something deep.
ReplyDeleteToday's Book Beginning made me want to read more. I enjoyed the author's descriptions: "respectable fedora" and "supernatural size." Clever writing.
My Friday post features HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT.
I don't know what a One Day Creative trip is, but can I go on one? haha
ReplyDeleteI have a hunch that this will be an intriguing read. I hope you enjoy the rest of it!
What a fantastic answer to the question. Very thorough and thoughtful.
ReplyDeleteTHANKS for sharing.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
I am completely the same way when it comes to planning! I try, I really do! But I have planned doesn't always work out to be what I -want- to read at a particular time. I want my blog to be a fun experience, not a chore!
ReplyDeleteHere's my F&F!
The 56 didn't do much for me, but that beginning really gives you a sense of who this guy is.
ReplyDeleteHappy weekend!
You're correct. It really depends on the genre we're reading and your book's beginning sounds interesting :)
The world-building plays a huge factor in my overall reading experience too, it's one of my favorite things about reading :)
ReplyDeleteMy Post!
Sparrow's Reading Corner